How to get to Rancha Oland?
By car:
Chłapowo ul. Rozewska 80
From the south of Poland, we take the route to Gdynia. Coming from Gdynia, we head towards Rumia and Reda. In Redza we turn right onto Władysławowo.
We are going straight ahead all the time, up to the roundabout in Władysławowo, where we turn left towards Jastrzębia Góra.
We are going straight ahead all the time, up to the roundabout in Władysławowo, where we turn left towards Jastrzębia Góra.
We have Chlapowo just behind Władysławów. We pass the entire town and when we reach the border of Chlapowo with Rozew on the left we see the Rancha Oland area, it is at the height of the "Rozewie" sign.

PKP and PKS:

1. By train, we reach the Gdynia Główna station.
2. We go to the bus station
3. Get on bus 650 (schedule ) here)
4. We get off at the bus stop:
"Rozewie jednostka Wojskowa" ("Rozewie Military Unit")
"Rozewie jednostka Wojskowa" ("Rozewie Military Unit")
5. On the left we have Rancho Oland